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Headshot of author Charlie Tyson
Photo credit: George Knaysi

Charlie Tyson

Charlie Tyson is a writer from North Carolina. He is currently a Junior Fellow in the Harvard Society of Fellows. He is writing a book on the creative possibilities of idleness and leisure, tentatively titled The Mind at Play, to be published by Pantheon Books.

He is widely published as a critic and essayist. His work has appeared in the New Yorker, The Atlantic, The Yale Review, Bookforum, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Baffler, The Boston Globe, Jewish Currents, The Hedgehog Review, Public Books, The Point, Slate, The Nation, Inside Higher Ed, The Millions, The Los Angeles Review of Books, and elsewhere, as well as in several academic journals.

He earned a Ph.D. in English from Harvard and a master's degree in history of science from Oxford, where he studied as a Rhodes scholar.