Leslie Schrock
Leslie Schrock is an author and angel investor working at the convergence of health and technology. Her first book, Bumpin': The Modern Guide to Pregnancy mixes the latest clinical research with practical advice for working families. Her second book, Fertility Rules, (Simon Element, Spring 2023) will take the same approach to fertility. Leslie is an investor in Caribou, Roon, Pangea, Tonal, Perchwell, Cenegenics, Legacy, Kinfield, Neverland, and dbt Labs (and others), an advisor to Maven, Alife, Origin, Oath, and Precisely, and on Gameto’s bioethics board, and the board of advisors at the Moody School of Communication at her alma mater, The University of Texas at Austin..
Leslie was named one of Fast Company’s Most Creative People in Business, and has been featured on CNBC, Fortune, NPR, Time, GQ, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Wired, and The New York Times.