Lucie Green
Lucie Green is a Leverhulme Research Fellow at UCL's Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL). She has a broad interest in space science and her research currently focuses on the study of activity in the atmosphere of the Sun. She has worked as Chief Observer on the Japanese Hinode mission and is helping design future missions, such as the European Space Agency's 'Solar Orbiter' and regularly works with the major space agencies around the world, including NASA and the Japanese Space Agency, JAXA.
She is a member of the Royal Society's Education Committee, UCL's Steering Committee for the Beacon for Public Engagement and she runs MSSL's public engagement programme. In 2009, she was the recipient of the Royal Society's Kohn Award for her work in the area of public engagement with science, in particular, for creating a culture of public engagement within her department.
Lucie has also written for The Times, Sky at Night Magazine, and Astronomy Now. She has a burgeoning TV profile, and has appeared on Stargazing Live: Back to Earth with Brian Cox. She has made numerous appearances on The Today Programme, The Infinite Monkey Cage, BBC Breakfast, Sky at Night and 10 O'Clock Live. She is the author of 15 Million Degrees: A Journey to the Centre of the Sun, published by Viking in 2016.